Hey CubeBuilders,
The Staff Team of CubeBuilders proudly presents the new CubeBuilders Hub, a new Factions server, and a new Minigame!
The new Factions server does not replace the old Factions, your Faction bases are all intact on the old Factions server, which can now be found in the Factions 1 portal. The new Factions server is in the Factions 2 portal. The Factions 2 server has an all new donator shop, specially for donators, and the shops now sell god armor.
We have a new minigames hub, and a new minigame to go with the hub. The new minigame is called Quake, and we think youre all going to enjoy Quake. Quake is simple, all you do is right click to shoot other players with a railgun, and the first player to get 25 kills is the winner. If you get a kill streak, you will receive an invisibility potion.
Minigames now give you CubeToken rewards instead of cash rewards. We have made the change to this type of reward system, since CubeTokens are shared across all servers, but you have a separate in-game money balance on each server. An option to redeem CubeTokens for in-game cash will be added to the CubeTokens store soon for each server.