Introducing the New Backpacks

Introducing the New Backpacks
Post by: SiggiJG - July 26th, 2014, 5:51:29 pm

Introducing the New Backpacks
Exclusively for Donators

Donators are now able to craft and carry backpacks to create extra inventory space. Iron donators can create 8 extra slots of inventory space. Gold donators can create 17 extra slots of inventory space. Diamond donators get 26 extra slots.

The backpack crafting recipes are shown below:

Iron pack, 9 slots, for Iron donators and higher

Gold pack, 18 slots, for Gold donators and higher

Diamond pack, 27 slots, for Diamond donators and higher

Emerald pack, 36 slots, for Emerald donators and higher

Obsidian pack, 45 slots (coming soon!)

Bedrock pack, 54 slots (coming soon!)
Re: Introducing the New Backpacks
Post by: Nefretum - July 26th, 2014, 6:02:51 pm

Great stuff siggi. Glad to see new and exciting things being added.

Re: Introducing the New Backpacks
Post by: Blackillz - July 29th, 2014, 10:36:09 am

Sweet. ;)

Re: Introducing the New Backpacks
Post by: ThunderHoof - July 29th, 2014, 12:01:13 pm

Awesome!! does that mean there will be 2 new donators like Obsidion and bedrock donators!?

Re: Introducing the New Backpacks
Post by: TheTorontoManz - July 29th, 2014, 2:43:00 pm

I cant wait, to make a gold pack :D

Re: Introducing the New Backpacks
Post by: Blackillz - August 2nd, 2014, 12:23:15 am

LOL Wafl... Pretty much same here... ;D ;)

Re: Introducing the New Backpacks
Post by: Kereo - August 4th, 2014, 3:11:46 pm

i wish i cud donate if i was allowed >:( :(

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