Personal Space Update: Allowing Copying

Personal Space Update: Allowing Copying
Post by: patman96 - July 27th, 2016, 3:33:00 am

Siggi88 has added a new update to Personal Space. For those of you who are tired of other users copying your builds on your space and pasting it on theirs, you can now toggle whether or not others are allowed to use World Edit to copy blocks in your personal space. The new command is: /ps set allowcopying [yes/no]. So if you want to disable copying on your space, you would do /ps set allowcopying no. I'm sure many will be very happy with this new update and there are more to come!


P.S. A small side note. The /rules have been updated. Please be sure to look at them. Thank you!

Re:Personal Space Update: Allowing Copying
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - July 21st, 2018, 5:19:17 am

This will be very useful for those talented builders who just want to build instead of having them copied by everyone. Great that this was added

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