December 2021 PVP Event!

December 2021 PVP Event!
Post by: Asheiou - December 21st, 2021, 12:41:32 pm
Last edit: December 21st, 2021, 12:47:49 pm

Hello CubeBuilders!
I'm here today to let you know about an event we're running on the 28th December 2021 at 5pm EST / 10pm GMT / 11pm CET. We're doing a 1v1 elimination PVP tournament on Creative. Everyone will be given the same kit, and it's just a matter of skill to see who wins! We hope you can join us for this fast-paced, action-packed evening!

- Only use the kit we provide you
- Abide by the CB rules, no hacking or cheating!

Signups close an hour before we start!

1st place: 2000 CubeTokens
2nd place: 1000 CubeTokens
All participants will also be given 250 CubeTokens as a thank you for attending!

We hope you make it. Thank you for playing CB!

- Ash -

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