2021 Holiday Build Battle - WINNERS!

2021 Holiday Build Battle - WINNERS!
Post by: Asheiou - December 23rd, 2021, 2:08:46 pm

The holiday build battle is now over, and the winners have been decided. Before I let you know who the winners are, let me explain how we've worked it out.
There have been 3 polls taking place in the last 24 hours. A panel vote, a community vote, and a vote amongst the staff team. For each vote, the results were tabulated, and competitors have been ranked from 1-7. Then, the position numbers in the rankings were multiplied together. If someone got 1st in the staff vote, 2nd in the community vote, and 3rd in the panel vote, their total score would be 6. Whoever had the lowest score at the end wins! Without further ado, let's get into the winners!

The overall winners are:

4th: VanceRuth
5th: Phantomette
6th: RoseTheKillerG
7th: coweyisme

All participants who didn't win one of the main prizes will be given 250 CT as a thank you for entering!

I feel it's also important to give the individual vote rankings, so they are here:

Panel vote (out of 60):
1st: Livie (57 points)
2nd: Durnahviir (56 points)
3rd: VanceRuth (48 points)
4th: Nixish (45 points)
5th: Phantomette (37 points)
6th: coweyisme (20 points)
7th: RoseTheKillerG (15 points)

Staff vote (out of 50):
1st: Durnahviir (45 points)
2nd: Nixish (39 points)
3rd: Livie (37 points)
4th: VanceRuth (36 points)
5th: Phantomette (30 points)
6th: RoseTheKillerG (23 points)
7th: coweyisme (22 points)

Community vote (out of 75):
1st: Durnahviir (59 points)
2nd: Nixish (56 points)
3rd: VanceRuth (49 points)
4th: Livie (45 points)
5th: Phantomette (40 points)
6th: RoseTheKillerG (36 points)
7th: coweyisme (33 points)

Thank you all for coming along to this event, and I hope to see you all at the next one!

- Ash -

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