The evidence is When you come out of the mesa portal you will see that theres a wall that says PRAY4DEATH,BIGBOSS8498,CHIPSQAURED,AIKABOY,and Juvyz.
Please take action and tear it down admins.
The evidence is When you come out of the mesa portal you will see that theres a wall that says PRAY4DEATH,BIGBOSS8498,CHIPSQAURED,AIKABOY,and Juvyz.
Please take action and tear it down admins.
May I Know How This Offends You?
It offends me because it shows freedom and respect towards the players that are on that wall while other players are killed all the time like me so please tear it down.
To be honest with you they decided to add their names on a project that they worked hard on, I mean I dont see why not....
Yeh, I agree with Brow...but I DO wish MY name was up there... ;)
But also suprised that Siggi didt put his name up there as well... ::)
They should put it somewhere else because im tired of seeing it everytime i go in the mesa.
Saturn, just because you are tired of seeing the structure, doesnt mean staff should tear it down. they worked hard on the project, and its a great experience farm. so, in my opinion, they should tear it down just for you.
And its been partly taken out ... Like the insides of the names. :o