Re: Hackergirl Steals Griefs and Kills
Post by: DerpehBagel - July 29th, 2014, 7:47:54 pm
Hawaii i never stole anything from skie a couple days ago I didnt know skie. I only took endies from u because I was going to give them back to Megan the girl u killed on survival when its says no Greifing. U stole a lot of things even pray saw ur inventory. U stole things from Luke and skie. U took his enchantment table and u didnt get banned although there were a lot of witnesses. I am still mad because u lied about me taking skies enchantment table. I didnt take it even staff can look in my enventory and my chests. U lied and got me temp baned for suposedly doing what u did. Luke and skie know what u took because u had the chance to give it back. I didnt have a chance to give back the endies that u took from Megan when u killed her. Oh ya u also took Megans diamond aromor and there is no pvp_