Changed staff app!?!?!

Changed staff app!?!?!
Post by: battymuncher - August 5th, 2014, 3:53:24 am

I was with sky while he was writing his staff app and he was trying very hard to correct his mistakes and he always made sure he always put as much detail as he could into his writing! He made me read it again and again so he knew it was perfect. Yesterday I read it after it was posted and commented as it was great! I checked again to see if he had got the place and all it said was p!?!? I was disgusted on how one of the staff would be horrible enough to change a long and great staff application to one letter! I am gunna fight until that application gets put back on!! And I can get proof from others, Waflkone commented saying " You got dis " He wouldnt comment that if it said p. How could you do this?

Re: Changed staff app!?!?!
Post by: stegy82 - August 5th, 2014, 4:09:17 am

you go guys!

Re: Changed staff app!?!?!
Post by: Blackillz - August 15th, 2014, 3:34:22 am

If it was Pray4Dumb that denied it, then your app deserves another try! Good luck! ;)

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