
Post by: freakJammies - November 29th, 2014, 2:13:20 pm

Nashdew was in free for all pvp and he started swearing.

Re: Swearing
Post by: maggiethatcher69 - November 29th, 2014, 2:23:47 pm

A bit more information about it? You have a screenshot, but do you have the time and date? What kind of offence did his words send to you? Was it you he was swearing at?
Was it another player? Was he swearing because he was angry? You have a lot of questions to answer. I will pass this on to any online staff.

Re: Swearing
Post by: Akiraff - November 30th, 2014, 12:36:35 pm

Thank you for your report abuse NetherEmperor, the situation has been taken care of.

CubeBuilders Administrator

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