here is our hacker
Date and Timezone format
The date and time must look like this: January 3 2014, 8:30pm GMT+8
Includes the month name (not the month number), the day and year, the time, and the timezone. december,13,2014,10:18
This is not allowed: 03/01/2014
Because it has two meanings, it could be January 3 2014, or it could be March 1 2014, depending on how you interpret it.
You cant write a timezone like this: EST, PST, CST, etc.
Because some of them may have multiple meanings. For example, CST could mean Central Standard Time in North America, but it could also mean China Standard Time in Asia.
Timezones must be GMT+x or GMT-x.
Why must I include my timezone?
Not everyone lives in the same timezone, and we may not know the difference between your time and our time. If you simply say 3:00pm but dont include the timezone, I wouldnt know what time youre talking about. It could be any time of the day. But if you say 3:00pm GMT-2, then I would know it was 1:00am GMT+8 where I live in Hong Kong.