Ban Request - Wolfgamer117 and Emily

Ban Request - Wolfgamer117 and Emily
Post by: Unwoven_Sleeve - March 5th, 2015, 7:21:49 pm

I was on skyblock and i had been on WolfGamer117s island for quite some time. I had spent lots of time, money, cubetokens and effort helping and getting money for them. All of the sudden one day they decide to boot me out. I lost my inventory which had my iron and diamond pick. And they only gave me back half of the stuff i had in my chests. I wanted all my redstone from my cobblestone generator and hoppers from cactus farm and all of this expensive stuff i put in but they wouldnt do it. ""They had to go"". Also when i had a run going back to my new shit island i fell off when going /is and i couldnt see my island. I lost all that stuff and now i have 1 and a half double chests of my stuff and a shitty island. I want them to get banned because it was frustrating when i spend so much time effort etc helping them and they stab me in the back and keep my loot. Now that im on this tiny island with barely anything i dont have any means of a house, friends, farms, cobble generators or anything. I really trusted them but they booted me out and it got really annoying.

Re: Ban Request - Wolfgamer117 and Emily
Post by: albanybrookexo - March 6th, 2015, 2:22:03 pm

This Is Annoying But Im not very sure its a valid enough reason to get someone banned and you Have No proof

Yes, It Happens But Really Its Not a Rule

Speak to staff about it as I am not one!


Re: Ban Request - Wolfgamer117 and Emily
Post by: Livetabon - March 6th, 2015, 3:30:50 pm

Unfortuneatly this is not a bannable offense.

Were you all friends? Did you get into an argument or disagreement?

I would love to help you out but since it was their island I cant really do much.

I can give you some iron and slime blocks to get you started on your new island, but again as stated I cannot help as a mod+ and ban ffor the reason of no proof of raiding, its their island, and personal arguments.

Brook thank you for stating your opinion :) please let staff respond to these though or people are going to mistake you for a staff member silly!


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