Spirit_Killer01 is swearing and insulting us

Spirit_Killer01 is swearing and insulting us
Post by: WhovianBunny - March 11th, 2016, 2:00:08 am

We were just racing with the Elytras and JPebbles pvped him and beat him multiple times then he got so mad that he actually started to call us Noobs, or Dumb ***, or anything like that. and me and Rainbow_Flower were trying to deal with it but he was getting too obnoxious

Spirit_Killer01 is swearing and insulting us
Post by: patman96 - July 2nd, 2016, 10:52:55 pm

Hello TheTenthWhovian,

I apologize for the late reply. I will be locking this topic due to this being an old thread and not enough evidence/information has been provided. If you catch anyone breaking server rules, please take screenshots and/or provide a date/time the offence took place. Thank you for reporting!


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