Rude/Player Disrespect

Rude/Player Disrespect
Post by: PinkieTrash - December 6th, 2015, 1:45:12 pm

ThatCatSkitty was being mean after I was just playing. I was throwing around snowballs at hub, not really knowing what they would hit, and one of them hit her horse that she was on and it fell off those candy canes at pvp. This happened a few times and she had enough and said something rude. I snap shot it and went to report. It was an accident, and shes just being rude. I told her I was going to report her for disrespect and she says she didnt really care about the server anyways.

Re: Rude/Player Disrespect
Post by: patman96 - December 6th, 2015, 6:09:44 pm

This person has been dealt with. Thank you for reporting! Please lock topic.

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