Re: KippyCan harassment
Post by: HiddenAether - February 7th, 2021, 9:57:49 pm
Here are 2 more screenshots of kippycan discriminating and assuming my sexuality (as a homosexual) in front of players.... UNACCEPTABLE staff behavior!!!
The rules CLEARLY state:
1. Be respectful to others!
Insulting or offending other players is not allowed. Do not make other players feel uncomfortable or unaccepted as part of the community. Do not discriminate by the colour of other player's skin, their race, where they live, their sex, or their age. Remember, other players have feelings too, just like you. Racially derogatory words will result in a ban!
No NSFW talk/builds. If you talk using sexual terms etc you can be muted/banned.
Players can decide whether they want to see profanity in the chat or not, by using the /chatcensor command to turn it on or off. Do not threaten to cause harm to anyone!
Threats of DoS attacking, or threats of bodily harm, are not only against the rules here, but are also likely illegal in your country! These types of threats warrant a permanent ban without warning, and, if the threat is deemed serious enough, will be reported to the proper authorities.
Don’t cheat! Using hacked clients is not allowed. Abusing bugs and glitches or duping will result in a ban!
If a staff member asks you to stop poor behavior - please stop!