Moderator Abuse - CookieTiff

Moderator Abuse - CookieTiff
Post by: CrimsonHarbinger - March 19th, 2014, 12:09:32 am

Cookie_Tiff is a moderator on this server. She is doing a very good job actually but, i believe she is mistreating some players that she does not know and sticking up to her faction mates. She muted me because she thinks I was "disrespecting" a player when we were having a conversation. In fact he was disrespecting me, calling me stubborn, and accusing me of cursing. Maybe i did misuse an acronym and thought gfy=good for you. Then she muted me for explaining to her. This server seems to have no player rights also. After reading the rules in the /rule page, I asked Cookie what rights players had. She told me to knock it off. I wanted to know as a player, how players can defend against moderator abuse and stuff like that but she ignored me and told me to be quiet. I do not appreciate your treatment to players on this server. Please, I would love to see unbiased moderators using their power wisely. I would also like to see that players can freely make friendly dialogue with peers. I was talking with another friend on the server and i said "Oh lol damn it xD" and she told me to be quiet and she threatened to mute me. I was just saying something friendly to my friend! I think moderators should distinguish friendly dialogue to cursing and should use common sense to differentiate the two. Thank you for reading this and for your time.

Re: Moderator Abuse - CookieTiff
Post by: Anniehbear - March 19th, 2014, 5:53:19 am

Generally, gfy is used for something else, and tbh, I would have thought the same as I think Cookie did.
What player rights do you expect? We have a list of rules, and everyone who follows them is on our good side. Its if people intentionally break the rules that I for one get unfriendly. Its not nice to ruin the public chat with either spam, or trying to find inventive ways to swear.
We have been told to mute anyone instantly when they disrespect staff, verbally abusing and stuff. Its a form of bullying and this server does not tolerate it. As well was players bullying players, its not just for staff yknow?
Personally I think there was a bit of miscommunication, and then starting off on the wrong foot. As a moderator, you kind of have to judge a person by the first few actions and work out whether theyre going to be trouble or not.
In the end though, I apologize on behalf of us lot since you feel you have been mistreated. I hope this does not stop you from coming on the server.

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