Im making a map about slimes.... I dont care if you dont like it :P
Well not exactly about slimes.... They are quite a big part of the map though.
In the map they are called Dango!
Heres the storyline so far ;D
You are a child who is fascinated by the way Dango can grow in numbers after one of them dies.
Until one day you go to the Dango sanctuary to see the Dango up close...
The people there at the start were so nice to the Dango.
Then they took one off to another room...
You follow them hoping to see how they feed Dango.
But instead you see them beat up the Dango and preform experiments on it.
You cried out because of the brutality you had seen towards the poor, helpless animal.
The said you could keep the Dango if you didnt tell the police of course you pick the Dango...
You brought him home and fed him.
3 years later....
You are now 14 and went back to the sanctuary to see the Dango again.
But the place is wrecked and on fire.
You see a black Dango with flaming shade of red in its eyes crawling around the floor, leaving a trail of lava as it did.
One of the experiments you had seen that faithful day three years ago had gone wrong...
TO BE CONTINUED...........
Now you have seen part one of the story board here are some more details :D
Texture pack:
Music for playing:
Hope you enjoy!