Post by: EmsMyEms - May 17th, 2016, 7:40:51 am

As some of you may know, last summer I built a town named IceWood. IceWood was a thriving city with about 30+ members. The city was amazing. Unfortunately, it was deleted. So, DerpehWaffle and I, KawaiiHawaii_, have decided to rebuild IceWood on the Personal Space server. We have 2 houses for sale and 11 apartments. The official opening is Tuesday, May 17, 2016. If you wish to join, contact KawaiiHawaii_ or DerpehWaffle through /mail send (name). We are also looking for builders and citizens. If you wish to become a builder, contact KawaiiHawaii_. Donators or staff with world edit are greatly welcomed. Down below is a list of jobs and a list of things to build.

Job Agency
Large Store (Costco, Target, Kroger, Walmart, etc)
Small College
Houses (if you'd like to build this, KawaiiHawaii_ or DerpehWaffle will show you how)
Small Cafes/Restaurants
Small Businesses
Public Pool

Teachers, Principal, Cafeteria Workers (School and College)
Job Agents (Job Agency)
Cashiers, Managers (Large Market)
Cooks, Waiters (Restaurants)
Lifeguards, Concession Stand (Pool)

If you have any suggestions, again, contact KawaiiHawaii_ or DerpehWaffle!

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