
Post by: InvalidSession - August 19th, 2015, 12:19:54 pm

15w31a is already fun, now another snapshot "15w34a" has arrived.
These are the features:

Shields, blocking (default Right Click) while having it will make you take almost no damage in front of you, it have 180 durability, and it can be dyed to different colors.

Charged attack, attacking (default Left Click) needed to be charged to deal maximum damage, otherwise you will be doing minimal damage.

Command block signal direction, command block all now have a direction, which sends command block signals in that direction.

Types of command blocks, impulse command blocks act like normal command blocks; chain command blocks do its command if it has both redstone signal and command block signal; repeat command blocks do its command every tick.

Better maps, maps can now be enlarged by mixing it with shears in a crafting table.

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