Tool Rebalancing in 15w35a

Tool Rebalancing in 15w35a
Post by: InvalidSession - August 27th, 2015, 11:24:06 am

Tools attack speed and damage is balanced again in 15w35a.
These are the stats for diamond tools/weapons.
Also a note on hoes: hoes now attacks faster the better material it is made out of, wooden hoe have 1 attack speed, diamond hoe have 4 attack speed.

Before: 14.5 attack speed, 7 attack damage
Now: 14.5 attack speed, 7 attack damage

Before: 0.85 attack speed, 11 attack damage
Now: 0.9 attack speed, 10 attack damage

Before: 1.5 attack speed, 5 attack damage
Now: 1.2 attack speed, 5 attack damage

Before: 1 attack speed, 7.5 attack damage
Now: 1 attack speed, 5.5 attack damage

Before: 4 attack speed, 2 attack damage
Now: 4 attack speed, 1 attack damage

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