The Cubebuilders PvP Championship

The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: fritzerman_ - September 20th, 2015, 12:14:47 pm

HELLO members, pvpers, and champions of the Cubebuilders server! I have decided to once again to post another poll about the General Minecraft Discussion, and didnt take any time at all to decide what it should be. There has been much controversy about the best PvPers on this server (as well as who hacks and who doesnt and what not) so i decided to settle this matter at least temporarily. Up at the top feel free to select who you believe is the best fighter on the server, and yes, i do realize that this will result in bias and arguments so there should probably be some sort of tournament to truly decide this matter. It would help if you post about that below in the comments. Thanks! ~BladedFury

Re: The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: vvanqu1sh - September 20th, 2015, 12:18:15 pm

I actually made a post exactly like this one a little while ago, SkyrunPvP won it I think.

But yeah you should probably add more of the pvpers up there, like xNoobNinja or xBOOYAHx :)

Re: The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: fritzerman_ - September 20th, 2015, 12:19:52 pm

Yeah i was thinking about that but this is like my second poll so I dont even know how to add more =,=

Re: The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: vvanqu1sh - September 20th, 2015, 12:22:52 pm

[quote author=BladedFury link=topic=4733.msg25059#msg25059 date=1442765992]
Yeah i was thinking about that but this is like my second poll so I dont even know how to add more =,=
[/quote]Yeah thats fine maybe for next time lel
also if you want the link to the poll which I made its over here >>>,4238.msg22175.html#msg22175

Re: The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: KissMeImIrish - September 20th, 2015, 12:51:34 pm

Iz voted JuanDong!

Re: The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: oneofakid - September 20th, 2015, 2:07:31 pm

I voted Retro cuz hes epic ?

Re: The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: LightningLegend - September 20th, 2015, 2:48:34 pm

I voted for my cousin larry he is the worst :D
P.S dont got a cousin named larry :(

Re: The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - September 20th, 2015, 2:49:09 pm

LightningLegend is good? Ive never seen him pvp

Re: The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: LightningLegend - September 20th, 2015, 2:52:12 pm

[quote author=DaCoolCreeper (#GrumpCow#) link=topic=4733.msg25086#msg25086 date=1442774949]
LightningLegend is good? Ive never seen him pvp
Ive never seen my cousin pvp either I wonder how hell do ???

Re: The Cubebuilders PvP Championship
Post by: KissMeImIrish - September 22nd, 2015, 8:42:20 pm

[quote author=DaCoolCreeper (#GrumpCow#) link=topic=4733.msg25086#msg25086 date=1442774949]
LightningLegend is good? Ive never seen him pvp

I can be him/her! Ive done it before

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