So... I know that theres not a lot of people who are enthusiastic about the 1.9 update. People are saying it sucks, especially the new combat, and I can certainly see why: Mojangs added a hitstun meter, where you have to wait before you can do another full damage hit. So to help people, Ill be making a thread here to help those who need help in 1.9 combat, both PvP (Player VS Player) as well as PvE (Player VS Environment). I need to wait until 1.9 comes out so I can show screenshots, since I cant access the snapshots, so expect to wait a little while! YouTuber ibxtoycat has also found out that Mojang LIED to us about the release date for 1.9! Instead of being scheduled for the day of the post, Mojang has CHANGED IT to the NEXT MONDAY AFTERWARDS! Thisll be the Monday after the weekend of the funeral for one of my grandpas... poor guy. Ill see you guys on this post, and Ill post anything I find for combat in 1.9 regularly!