Factions Contest

Factions Contest
Post by: oneofakid - March 27th, 2015, 5:33:32 pm

Hosted by oneofakid

Find the towers! I have built 2 cobblestone towers in a random place on factions. The pictures below show them and their coordinates. The first person to find the fence tower wins a super slasher, and the first person to find the squid tower wins a super slasher and $1000! If you find it, post a reply confirming you have found the tower;please provide screenshot proof or you will not be the winner. In your screenshot, post the coordinates too so we know you didnt cheat.
Quick edit: If you find both of the towers before anyone else finds at least one of them, you will not be chosen as winner, because I want to give everybody a chance to at least try to find it. You will only be chosen as winner for one of the towers, not both.

I wish you all the best of luck!
Re: Factions Contest
Post by: oneofakid - April 1st, 2015, 7:18:23 pm

If nobody finds these I will be removing them. Please remember to post a reply on this topic if you have found these.

Re: Factions Contest
Post by: GameDudePc_TR - April 1st, 2015, 8:16:25 pm

Ill go get them both tommorow :p

Re: Factions Contest
Post by: vvanqu1sh - April 1st, 2015, 10:56:21 pm

[quote author=GameDudePc_TR link=topic=2397.msg10762#msg10762 date=1427933785]
Ill go get them both tommorow :p
[/quote]Same here, lol

Just got home from California. :D

Re: Factions Contest
Post by: dtown2002 - April 2nd, 2015, 7:08:05 pm

Found it!!! April fools!!! (one day late)

Re: Factions Contest
Post by: oneofakid - April 2nd, 2015, 10:01:03 pm

The fact that you have the same items I had in my inventory, and the same skin xD

Re: Factions Contest
Post by: girlsmell - April 2nd, 2015, 10:14:57 pm

u know I am bad at cords so .. it will be hard to find .. ;D (laughing face)

Re: Factions Contest
Post by: dtown2002 - April 8th, 2015, 9:45:12 am

Lol I wish you pushed F1 so it doesnt show your skin!!!!

Re: Factions Contest
Post by: MasterTiger101 - April 10th, 2015, 1:44:20 pm

Omg dtown you cheat!!! :D

Re: Factions Contest
Post by: JuanDong - April 12th, 2015, 1:13:53 pm

[quote author=dtown2002 link=topic=2397.msg11527#msg11527 date=1428500712]
Lol I wish you pushed F1 so it doesnt show your skin!!!!
[/quote]That would hide the coords too

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