Raid Tactics

Raid Tactics
Post by: SkyrunPvP - April 8th, 2015, 9:24:48 am

Bases Bases Bases

You one of them people who have no luck with finding raids I was one of them now im finding bases like it takes me to chop wood with just these tactics.

Faction bases: Obviously do the command /f map on then scout around until you find claimed land and you check it out.

Unclaimed bases: Get F3 up and you look at the bit where it says “E:0/1 or whatever that’s what you call
entities you should be looking at the bit after the slash that means the entities you cannot see so it must be in the sky or underground. You may just find mineshafts or random mob caves but they could be for example “Spawners, Item frames, Cactus farm and etc so it’s worth checking. Also /f map, helps show faction bases.

Tactics: Either use the entities tactic or you can use some natural tactics.

Grass tactic: If you see loads of eaten grass it means someone is living around there because sheep freeze when a player is far away from it so it needs a player to be around there for a period of time for the sheep to start eating grass.

Noob polls: Some new players could create their base up in the sky and forget to break their polls :o

Random blocks: Lastly just check random blocks around you never know!

Hope I helped ~Sky
Re: Raid Tactics
Post by: dtown2002 - April 8th, 2015, 9:41:32 am

I just wander do /f map once in a while and look for a base. I found a base that was only half claimed so I raided it.

Re: Raid Tactics
Post by: GameDudePc_TR - April 8th, 2015, 11:16:07 am

Another way to see if someone has been where you are at that moment is when you see Sugar cane. If its only 2 high the chance of someone being near you is slim. Tho if its fully grown it means a player has been around it for a certain ammount of time.

Also check the trees, if you are in a forest and you suddenly see a sapling you can be sure there has been someone near that spot because the tree got chopped down.

Re: Raid Tactics
Post by: BrowtherHoodz - April 8th, 2015, 1:45:59 pm

Great Job Sky! Im pretty sure that helped some people!

Re: Raid Tactics
Post by: Solurnis - April 8th, 2015, 8:06:14 pm

Also, if you see a tree thats in a group of trees that Are Not the same type, mine under the tree.

I did this once, but some guys called me a hacker bc i found the base wth eazzzz just 2OP4U

Re: Raid Tactics
Post by: vvanqu1sh - April 9th, 2015, 8:30:11 pm

Nice job! Some of these tactics help a LOT in raiding! ;D

Re: Raid Tactics
Post by: MasterTiger101 - April 10th, 2015, 1:37:43 pm

Imma go use those tactics now, thnx skyrun02 Ill be op in no time (hopefully)

Re: Raid Tactics
Post by: MasterTiger101 - April 10th, 2015, 1:55:32 pm

Just on question or two depending how you interpret it: if a base is in the air how do you pile up to it and if its underground, how do you dig down to it without getting permissions from them?

Re: Raid Tactics
Post by: KeepingItCrafted - April 11th, 2015, 4:21:56 pm

[quote author=MasterTiger101 link=topic=2578.msg11809#msg11809 date=1428688532]
Just on question or two depending how you interpret it: if a base is in the air how do you pile up to it and if its underground, how do you dig down to it without getting permissions from them?
Go to the claim border then you can edit the terrain!

Re: Raid Tactics
Post by: JuanDong - April 12th, 2015, 1:11:19 pm

To Be Honest The Noob Polls thing doesnt really give you decent loot
probably will just give you dirt and stone tools

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