New Plugin

New Plugin
Post by: Rockcandygamer - July 5th, 2016, 8:36:45 pm

Now I am sorry if I seem to be the person who rains on a new addition to Cube. I honestly have loved cube from the start, and I have nothing against it. But this new Plugin for factions isn't one of my favorites. I thought it was cool around spawn to add little details. But as soon as I saw it cover the perimeter of our base it got me worried. It's very noticeable and gives people a better chance of raiding us. Now as that is the point, I feel it's just a pathway to failure if you get to see where everyone's base is. I've asked a few other people and they feel it's not as fair as just seeing the territory pop up in chat bar. If there is something I'm missing with this plugin please tell me. But I just feel seeing all the sparkles and partials just don't appeal to me, it's like a huge sign saying to come to my base and take everything, instead of finding it yourself.


Re:New Plugin
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - July 6th, 2016, 12:00:46 am

... seriously?!?!?? deal with life its just the way it is! just make a obby base bruh live on :?

New Plugin
Post by: Chippos - August 7th, 2016, 2:56:29 pm

I had an idea for that, just simply put a command in, ex. /F border particles [Y/N] that would enable people to disable border particles if they really wanted to.

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