The Adventures of oneofakid! Part 1: The Dog

The Adventures of oneofakid! Part 1: The Dog
Post by: oneofakid - March 26th, 2015, 8:26:46 am

The Adventures of oneofakid!

Part 1: The Dog

It was a sunny, cloudless day on CubeBuilders factions. Oneofakid was sitting in his faction, GlacialDragons, when he saw someone coming through the window of the base. He immediately recognized who it was. It was Rat. GlacialDragons was in a bad situation. Rat was a good raider, and had already raided them once. So oneofakid packed up all his stuff and put it into a goldpack a friend gave him. Finally, oneofakid saw Rat overclaiming. It would be seconds before TNT erupts this faction. Oneofakid was in his bedroom, watching through the window. He saw Rat place and ignite TNT. Oneofakid whispered "Goodbye base". Then the TNT blew up.

When all the faction members came online, oneofakid explained the whole situation in their top secret meeting room. They started coming up with ideas on where the new base should be. Jag voted for a desert. Oneofakid voted for a swamp. ThatPandaDude voted for a jungle. Eventually, oneofakid and Jag changed their minds and went with the jungle. So the crew went to the jungle portal at spawn. They hiked, trekked, and ran for miles and days and weeks until they found a perfect mountain. They knew this spot would be top secret and no one could find them. All of a sudden, ThatPandaDude heard a noise. Oneofakid immediately recognized the sound.
It was the bark of a wolf.

To be continued....

Click Here
Part 2 --->

Re: The Adventures of oneofakid! Part 1: The Dog
Post by: Solurnis - March 26th, 2015, 7:06:54 pm

nice story, I like how you made it I blownup the base >:D

Re: The Adventures of oneofakid! Part 1: The Dog
Post by: JuanDong - March 26th, 2015, 8:54:30 pm

Well rat is pretty mean :(.

He said that he would slit off my neck or sumtging cuz I didnt invite him

Re: The Adventures of oneofakid! Part 1: The Dog
Post by: Solurnis - March 30th, 2015, 3:18:47 pm

I kill ppl with explosives


Re: The Adventures of oneofakid! Part 1: The Dog
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 30th, 2015, 3:21:31 pm

Nice! I love the suspense!

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