Hidden Server: Chapter 6

Hidden Server: Chapter 6
Post by: EmsMyEms - March 26th, 2015, 5:26:56 pm

Chapter 6

"Where are we going?" Tiger panted. "Just keep up!" Krward shouted. We continued riding on the horses. Then, Krward came to a sudden stop. "Were here," she said. The rest of us looked up. "Woah," rtd said. "Its so beautiful," Smelly said looking at krward. I slapped him. "Not that," I said. "This," I said while pointing up. It was a castle with a double rainbow. Rtd and Derpeh started crying at its beauty. "Haha," Tiger said. "Your crying because of stone." I laughed. "This is the castle of The Hidden Server. The king and queen will help you." Krward said in a serious tone. Then she made the horses dissapear with a whistle. Then she made herself dissapear. "Ok," Derpeh said, drying up her tears "lets go." We walked quietly through a huge hallway. After a few minutes, we saw an arrow that had the words "Throne Room" painted on it. We walked on to the throne room. "Who goes there?" a womans voice boomed. "Uh yeah. Whos here?" A mans voice said. "Hello," rtd said. "We come from CubeBuilders." "Hello," the woman said. "Im Liv. And this is my husband Ender." We heard a baby crying. "Oh yes, this is my daughter CrazyGinger." "What kind of name is that?" Tiger muttered. Derpeh gave Tiger a dirty look. "What wonderful names," she said. We introduced ourselves " Im Derpeh." "Im Hawaii." "Im Tiger." "Im rtd." "And Im Smelly, the smartest one here." "Idiot" I said under my breath. Outside, we heard yelling. We were going to be in BIG trouble.

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<--- Part 5 Part 7 --->

Re: Hidden Server: Chapter 6
Post by: slimestein - March 26th, 2015, 5:55:54 pm

Awesome stories, when you dropped 3 at once i felt i only had to write how good it was on one...
I was already sure you would give Live and Ender high ranks and married...

Cant wait for the upcoming chapters!

Re: Hidden Server: Chapter 6
Post by: OrzaRound - April 2nd, 2015, 7:13:29 pm

Awesome! Can you add me?

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