Hidden Server: Chapter 13

Hidden Server: Chapter 13
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 3rd, 2015, 9:43:34 am

Chapter 13

A girl stepped out from a curtain. She looked normal. I thought she was going to be weird. "Hello. My name is Mystic," she said happily, "I think weve crossed paths before." "I uh think we have," I said unsure. "Well," she continued, "Ill be teaching you magic. Im a qualified fairy from FairyKingdom," she said proudly. "Cool!" I said happily. But then I looked at my friends. "Im sorry," I said to them, "I never thought this would happen." Tiger burst to tears. But then she sucked it up and said "Fine. You can leave us. But we wont be friends anymore. You got us in this mess and youre leaving us. What kind of friend are you?" The others nodded in a agreement. I cried. "If you were good friends, you would support me. Not leave." Derpeh sighed. "Shes right. But we have to go.

Thanks for all the nice and funny comments! I really appreciate them.

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