Cubebuilders Secret: Part 3 SECRETS

Cubebuilders Secret: Part 3 SECRETS
Post by: OrzaRound - April 3rd, 2015, 9:46:00 am

Karow was nervous. What secrets? Suddenly, ? ? ? Disappeared and the server went back on...
The next day, Karow told Siggi what happened. "So this guy named ? ? ? came up and crashed the serv-" Siggi interuppted Karow. "You said ? ? ? right? Let me tell you something. Cubebuilders have secrets. All types of secrets. Get Willbob and Matthewcraft8 first."
When Karow came back he was EXHAUSTED. He look everywhere for them. Siggi waited patiently. Finally, Siggi talked. "CB is a very good server. ? ? ? is not. I am sending on a quest. Find out the secrets, discover who ? ? ? is an ban him. It wont just take a ban command. All I know is ? ? ? is a Legendary Hacker." Karow, Matthewcraft and Willbob left to start an epic quest...

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