The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 1

The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 1
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 3rd, 2015, 4:11:30 pm

Hey guys so I saw you liked the 1st part so here is part 2!!!

Chapter 1

Its been a year since Ive left my friends to learn magic. Ive been living in the castle with Ender and Mystic. I didnt want to leave my friends. But I also didnt want to give up the chance of learning magic. Im still in bed and I have a free day. I lay there deciding what to do. Then, I got the perfect idea; I could travel to my friends houses! I packed a bag containing food and a journal. I first left a note in the throne room telling Ender where I was. Then, I left the castle. This was going to be a long journey.

Re: The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 1
Post by: KermitsBigToe - April 3rd, 2015, 4:15:56 pm

This is really good Hawaii, I really do like how you end every chapter on a Cliffhanger. It makes it more exciting for the reader and it makes them want to read more!

I also really liked how you begun this chapter, it makes me want to read it all and indicates it will not be a boring story.

Really good job, I cannot wait for future chapters! ^_^

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