The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 3

The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 3
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 4th, 2015, 1:05:21 pm

Chapter 3

"That was weird," I said to myself. I continued walking. Later, I saw a fairy picking blossoms. "Hello," I said happily. "Hi," the fairy said in a sweet tone, "Im Blossom. But some people call me Fairy Blossom." "Im Hawaii." "Nice to meet you Hawaii!" "Nice to meet you too." All of a sudden, a boy on a dirt bike stopped behind fairy. "Yo F.B, whos this?" "Sorry," Fairy said, "This is my brother, DirtBike. DirtBike, this is Hawaii." "Hi," I said. "Yo," DirtBike said sounding all cool and stuff. "Well I better get going," I said wanting to leave. "Where ya headin to?" DirtBike asked. "To find the portal. The other one is gone," "Cool. If ya want I can give you a ride to another portal." "Um ok," I said completely unsure. "Great," he said, "Hop on!" I got on the bike. I sighed. "Lets go."

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