Willbob4TW Part 2

Willbob4TW Part 2
Post by: KissMeImIrish - April 9th, 2015, 10:39:12 pm

The First Enemy

After a few months of training, Willbob was ready. He found a new power: Invisibility. Also he found new fighting tricks. Anywho, a flying hacker in hub was insta-killing players and could only be banned once killed. So, Willbob flew up to him while being invis, and lodged his burning lava hand into the hackers head. So the guy wasnt that hard, but what was hard was people watched him die and the chat said: (Hackers username) was slain by Willbob2003, which could show that Willbob somehow killed him. But no one cared. They cheered that the hacker was dead and permanently banned for really bad hacks.
"Willbob, you got to be more careful in public, but thanks for killing the hacker though," Brow told Willbob.
"Im sorry, its just I had to act fast because this guy was terrorizing hub," Willbob replied.
"Its ok just be more careful," slime insistead.

Re: Willbob4TW Part 2
Post by: KissMeImIrish - April 12th, 2015, 6:07:33 pm

Working on Part 3 soon!

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