The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 9

The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 9
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 11th, 2015, 7:12:59 am

Chapter 9

"What?!" I said a little more loudly than I was talking. "Yeah. I know." Neptune replied. "Neptune. Do you want the truth?" "Yes." Neptune said seriously. "I went to a hidden server and trained to be a fairy. Im just visiting this place to see my friends." I said trying to get it over with. Neptune was suprised. "Wow." was pretty much all she said. "Yep." I said normally. "I never knew. I thought Derpeh was right." She said to me. "THAT LIAR!" I screamed. "Shh!" Neptune said trying to quiet me down. "Dont tell anyone this but..." Neptunes voice trailed off. "What?" I asked curiously. "Theyre not friends with Soviet. Theyre using her."
"For what?" I asked impatiently. "For her banners." I giggled. "Really? Why cant they make their own?" "I know right?" Neptune said laughing. "They are lazy!" I said happily. "Hawaii?" Neptune asked. "Yes?" "Can we be friends?" "Of course!" I told her. "Youre a better friend then Derpeh, Tiger, Rtd, krward, and Smelly could ever be!" She laughed. "Thanks!" Then we heard someone say "Hey you! Get down!" We slowly climbed down the tree. "Hi." He said in a weird accent. "Im Jam. News reporter. I wanna interveiw the girl betrayed by the "Snobby Posse." I laughed. The Snobby Posse? Isnt that what they call mean girl groups in movies? There are boys in it. "Ok. Lets get started." I said happily. "Ok." Jam said. "I have 2 questions."
"Ok!" I replied. "Did the Snobby Posse forget your birthday?" He asked. "Yes." I replied. He wrote something down. "Did they betray you?" I thought for a minute. "Yes." I finally said. "Ok thanks." He told me. Then he walked away. Neptune and I decided to go shopping. We went to the store and bought a bunch of stuff. When we walked out, we became face to face with the Snobby Posse.

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