The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 11

The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 11
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 19th, 2015, 9:46:07 pm

Chapter 11

In the dream, I was running away from Derpeh. I was screaming and crying. I suddenly woke up. It took me a few minutes to calm down and relize I was dreaming. I got up and made myself some toast. Then Neptune woke up. "Hey," Neptune said glumly. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. She sighed. "Nothing." "Oh.. Um ok," I replied. There was a knock at the door. Slowly, we both went to answer it. When we opened the door, we saw something unexpected. A package from well I couldnt make out the name. I looked harder. From Twisters. "Why would Twisters send us stuff?" Neptune asked confused. "I dont know," I said just as confused. "Isnt she friends with Derpeh?" Neptune nodded. We took the package inside and slowly opened it.
Inside was a small wrapped gift with a card. I took the card out of the envelope. It read "Derpeh is out to get you. Good luck. ~Twisters." I handed the card to Neptune. "Weird," she said. "I know right!" I agreed. I gingerly unwrapped the present. It was a book. I sat down on the floor and opened it. The words were small and faded. I flipped through the pages. There had to be at least 300. As I flipped through, I noticed one page. The title read "The Waffle Family." I read the page.
The Waffle Family is a family that contains all sorts of bad people. There are betrayers, robbers, murderers and even some are all 3. The best betrayer is the youngest generation; Derpeh Waffle. She has taken advantage of so many young girls of her age. One of the most famous girls is Hawaii Girl. Hawaii is a young girl who thought Derpeh was her best friend. She thought wrong. Derpeh is also known for betraying another young girl named Ellie X Plays. Ellie was used by Derpeh to get diamonds and gold. But no. Ellie found out the truth and ran away from CubeBuilders and into the woods.
I sat down the book. I was stunned. I knew Derpeh could be mean, but her whole family? And I thought Ellie just left for a job at this place called AkiraEnderprises. But whatever. It may be a fake book. Anything is possible.

Re: The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 11
Post by: MasterTiger101 - April 20th, 2015, 4:35:21 pm

Nice work

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