The Journey To the End of Minecraft Book 1 Chpt. 6

The Journey To the End of Minecraft Book 1 Chpt. 6
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - June 26th, 2015, 11:12:44 am

This time, Steve did see the "Downloading terrain" screen and arrived in a strange land. The only mobs that he saw was flying cows. The dirt was Blue and tree trunks where Red!! Water was orange, and lava was red!
hackers, just hackersthough Steve. In the distance there was a village with pig people. "Hackers!"
said Steve outloud. Steve was sure of the updates, and no update or mod had this sort of stuff, so this must be corrupted code. Steve quickly went tot the village and felt strange asking a pig for the way to a portal.
The pig told Steve to go to the mountains and turn left into the forest, go straight ahead until there was the portal in the middle of a clearing...


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