Minecraft Ender Rising book 1 prologue

Minecraft Ender Rising book 1 prologue
Post by: StativeSpencer - June 27th, 2015, 5:08:52 pm

We live to dream

for without dreams we do not know

for without dreams we can not see

and without dreams we will be forgotten

because without dreams the world will cease to be

He ran through the dark halls usually being the hunter now being hunted by a tall slender creature close behind he ran through a door into a large library he sat down on the wet mossy floor and took out his recorder to find it was playing trying to talk he just coughed so he took out his journal and flipped to the eleventh page only able to write three words before he saw the creature he ran as fast as he could finding an exit he ran trying to reach his nearby house the last thing he heard was his dog barking and a strange voice saying
wake up
Re: Minecraft Ender Rising book 1 prologue
Post by: StativeSpencer - June 27th, 2015, 5:49:25 pm

8) Hello everybody later I will create a thread to post ideas of what I should do next.
1 question though what category would that be under?

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