Cubebuilders Arising (Chapter 16 - Unknown Memories)

Cubebuilders Arising (Chapter 16 - Unknown Memories)
Post by: LeonemMorsu - July 29th, 2015, 1:27:24 pm

Sparkles opened her eyes, jolting up from where she lied. Looking around herself, she expected the worst.

But it wasn’t the worst. In fact, it looked… normal. Well, slightly. The room she was in seemed strange, but familiar. White walls and gray floors; she was in some sort of large room. To her right were doors to another small room, then the outside. In a hall to her behind right was a string of rooms, and a stairway. To her left and ahead was a kitchen in another room. But it all looked.. a little modern.

Sparkles sat up, rubbing her head, feeling a small bruise. Feeling some fur by it, she realized she was in the same form as she was in that purgatory-like dream. Ears, tail, fur, eyes, all of it was the same. Looking down, she noticed she was lying on a brown, soft couch. Ahead of her was a technology piece, which looked like a black, flat box with a screen. She wondered where she was, and why it felt so familiar. Almost like home.

“You finally awake, Chloe? We were worried you’d never wake up.” A voice asked. She looked up, seeing a man. A tall and lanky man, with white, long hair that draped down his shoulders. His skin was relatively normal, but scarred. He had amethyst coloured eyes, and wore a plaid green button-up shirt with blue jeans and green sneakers. He looked at least eighteen or nineteen, with a warm, comforting smile.

Sparkles hesitated, but uttered the words: “Who are you… and where am I?” The man was confused. He went towards her, with a concerned smile.

“Why, its me of course! Daniel? Daniel Heartfield?” He stated. “Are you alright? You mustve been hit pretty hard.” The aforementioned Daniel asked, rubbing the bruise upon Sparkles’s temples.

“I… I don’t know… I don’t know where I am… It feels all so strange, but familiar at the same time....” Sparkles uttered, yawning. Daniel smiled, sitting next to her and putting his arm around her.

“It’s okay, Chloe. It must be some temporary amnesia. No harm done.” He said with a comforting tone. “You’re at St. Ginga’s Asylum. Our home, remember?”

Sparkles’s eyes widened out of confusion and surprise. “St. Ginga’s… Why does that sound so familiar… And why do you keep calling me Chloe?” She asked, her teal irises meeting his amethyst ones. Daniel laughed, patting her back.

“Why, it’s your name of course! And this is our home! The home for outcasts, is what you called it.” Daniel explained. Sparkles pondered for a moment. A home for outcasts? What does that mean…

“Oh and Chloe?” Daniel said, making Sparkles look up. Sparkles gasped in horror when he saw his face. Disfigured, bloody, and with menacing lavender eyes. When he spoke, his voice was eerie and dark.

“Don’t ever run from me, love…”

Sparkles screamed as she jumped. Breathing heavily with her eyes wide, she looked around herself. Soft, velvet bed. Regal room. She was back in Factionaria. Sparkles sighed, lying back down. Turning to her side, she found K0RBEK, sleeping like a baby.

“It was just a dream…” Sparkles told herself. She got out of bed, changing into her normal clothes. But, while changing, she noticed something. A small gash on her left cheek, which didn’t bleed or cause pain. She began breathing rapidly. Another scar? You’ve got to be kidding me… I think I’m going insane…

Sparkles then gasped again, seeing the knife tucked into her pocket. The knife Pray gave her. Whilst eyeing it, she pictured… Kor’s dead body lying in front of her… Gaining a rather eerie smile, she thought to herself: How easy it would be… To just… No! No, you mustnt think such thoughts!

Just then, Jake the royal Jester walked in. “Sparkles, K0RBEK! Come quick, its the King! He’s… He’s...” Sparkles held Jake by the shoulders, looking into his yellow and grey eyes. “Spit it out, Jake!” She said as Kor bounced out of bed.

“He’s GONE!”

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