City of Lies chapter 1

City of Lies chapter 1
Post by: StativeSpencer - August 6th, 2015, 10:51:04 am

Cloyd walked through the halls of the Miaknog archives. It was his least favorite place it was full of books but none had any sliver of truth in them. Or at least thats what he liked to think. He didnt exactly know why he went there everyday he liked to think he was there just in case he did find some truth in the books but in reality he was just fascinated by how the Miaknog goes about there business. He got up to leave to find it was raining. "Do you require an umbrella." The librarian droid RT351 asked. "No Im staying here." Cloyd smiled for once he had an excuse to stay. "RT351 I have a question do you have any original thoughts." Cloyd asked he was always fascinated by droids. "Of course not why do you have any because if you do Ill have to report you." Cloyd shivered at the thought and decided he should leave. When he got home he found his house burned to the ground. He searched through the ruins but couldnt find any bodies. He then realized it was the Miaknog. Something rustled behind him he turned around and was hit in the face with a baseball bat.

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