Return of the Machines Part I/III *Three Part Sequel to Age of Machines*

Return of the Machines Part I/III *Three Part Sequel to Age of Machines*
Post by: WhovianBunny - March 27th, 2016, 6:55:27 am

After the long events of staying on Mars, Humanity was very satisfied on how they were living, working, and discovering new species and making allies with those species. The Network, being pretty ticked off at this point, decided to continue to take over Earth and make it a factory planet for their Robo Reptilian Soldiers. Xavier is currently on Mars Mourning the loss of his friends who had sacrificed their lives to save Earth which by now has done nothing but make the Network Furious. Xavier is also sad that his parents died at the sake them trying to protect Xavier, but dying at the cause of having their skulls be crushed by a Raptor's big feet. Xavier that day had learned that he could have done something, and typically is Arrogant and Ruthless, thinking of what he could have done. Xavier knows that the Network killed his parents on purpose, the Network wanted Xavier to be angry, and he wanted a fight instead of just a bug that he could crush easily, the Network has been planning all along for Xavier to get mad, and has bee building and mass producing a army that out numbers the humans. Xavier currently is at his Chamber in the middle of a big city that has Hover Boards, Video Games that put you inside the game without harming you, and even Holograms. Xavier does not know that the Network had taken over Earth and its moon and even Mercury, the Network's main target right now is to go to earth and finish off the humans then take over the solar system. Xavier has his old Hover Board and Gauntlets that have Saws that can cut through Crainium, a metal found on mars that can be cloned and never runs out. Xavier looks at the Earth from the sky and sees that it looks different then it typically does even when it was close to being completely taken over by machines, He noticed that of the snow had been shrunken down to a minimal, and it had blue neon lights around it indicating that it had been completely turned into a machine itself, Xavier went to Adam and Connor and told them about it then out of coincidence a robot comes out and starts shooting in the air to get attention. Xavier tells the two that he wants to finish the machines of as revenge for Jason, Josh, and Xavier's parents. they agree then start shooting at the robot to distract it while Xavier saws the legs off then shoots its head off. They Xavier shows them earth and tells them that still could be where the network is mainly hidden, but little does he know that the network is hidden in three places which are the Earth, The Earth's Moon, and Mercury. They set off to Earth in their jet pods and they land on earth. They fight off a few raptors but go to a building where the huge army of raptors are waiting for the trios arrival, Again the Network knew they would come back to Earth, They start Battling until that HATEFUL TIME WHERE IT SAYS Too be Continued... This is the first part where they land on the Earth, Part II will be about them finishing Off Earth and going to the moon. Again And I know you Hate it when things do it and so do I but this is a huge thing so


Return of the Machines Part I/III *Three Part Sequel to Age of Machines*
Post by: WhovianBunny - March 27th, 2016, 6:56:34 am

Idk when I'll start doing Part Two, but if you're enjoying this series so far then well That's Great!!!

Re:Return of the Machines Part I/III *Three Part Sequel to Age of Machines*
Post by: Lollylou - March 27th, 2016, 7:28:50 pm

I give it a 9/10 because it says "TOO BE CONTINUED"
Then go to an 8/10 because EVERYONE'S DEAD :(

Return of the Machines Part I/III *Three Part Sequel to Age of Machines*
Post by: WhovianBunny - March 28th, 2016, 2:02:36 am

ya there are a massacre load of people that died XD but other then that i'm going to make part II later

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