My thoughts on steve.

My thoughts on steve.
Post by: ThunderHoof - August 23rd, 2014, 5:52:22 pm

Steve is a STUPID NOOBY minecraft creation HE is a weird looking DIRTMAN he looks like a fat guy and he looks like crap to he has NO Feelings for others. He symbolizes the things that you call (NOOB) and people that Dont know how to change there skin people that dont know how to change there skins are NOOBS get a life steve.New Players need something more colorful.

1st of all I am sick of seeing new players joining with steve skins.

2nd of all steve shouldnt even exist

3rd of all I have a few minecraft steve toys on my desk, they show a (Smile) on there faces the steve skin has a (Line) across his mouth like he is bored. Also It looks like he has dirt on his face (Or that is the way i see him) Also look at some pics the one on the top is the way ppl think he looks like also the one on the bottom is they way he looks like in minecraft for real.

Re: My thoughts on steve.
Post by: Kereo - August 24th, 2014, 5:59:21 am

I really disagree with this. Not only is steve problably the first thing made (or pickaxe idk) it is also a good skin i doubt that notch will ever make a new skin for starters i dislike your thoughts on steve >:(

Re: My thoughts on steve.
Post by: ThunderHoof - August 24th, 2014, 8:56:36 am

This is my opinion he looks like crap but im tired of seeing him around he is just pure crap.

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