I feel like I need to have a corner. :( I have almost no friends and the ones I do arent on as much. So willbob2003 I will like to join your lonely corner.
I feel like I need to have a corner. :( I have almost no friends and the ones I do arent on as much. So willbob2003 I will like to join your lonely corner.
I can be ur friend! ;) ;D :P
Ok but still I dont see you a lot. :-\
Lolz. I get on often during weekends.
If you do not have many friends currently try getting on the server and talk to people. Not in a stalkisch or annoying way but just try to have a regular chat with someone. That way you can get to know other players and make friends real easy.
When I saw Willbob2003s corner!! I thought u were gonna say Thats so cool and Willbob ur a VIP! but its just talking about getting friends lel(I am not trying to affend anyone though).