Well now I really need to find a part time job. As Earths Day is approaching, I am planning to buy 7 stacks of A4 sized paper.
This is 3D Origami, it is made of small pieces of triangle that they fit one with another, Just like Lego. As Kid, I enjoyed making this small pieces of triangle, however I had no objective back then.

My Goal
- Make ~30,000 triangles
- Make a dragon
- Make a vase
I really like Egyptian hierography, and planning to implement in my case in a style of Good vs. Evil. But again thats a lot of paper colors that I need to buy!

I can be later posting my progress later. There is no point now, since I am doing a lot of cutting, ensure that I have enough for 1,500 triangles ready by next week.
CubeBuilders Administrator