-=-=-=-=-=How Uzengwey Attacks=-=-=-=-=-
Uzengwey at first meeting on day 3, will stare at you through the window for about a half hour, after that he begins hunting you, be sure to look behind you because that will slow down his attack, do that until he reaches stage 3.
Attack Stage 1# He stands behind you by a few feet and simply is hunched over and stares
Attack Stage 2# He stands a foot closer and is swinging his arms to the side back and forth still hunched over
Attack Stage 3# if you look behind you he will be gone, when that happens LOOK UP HE JUMPED 20 FEET INTO THE AIR!
Attack Stage 4# He will flail as he falls towards you and is screeching.
GAME OVER(Attack Stage 5#) You are face to face with Uzengwey he is inches from falling ontop of you and savagly murdering you at this point its to late there isnt a way to defend yourself, however you can defend yourself at stage 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Defence at Stage 1, and 2# look behind you every so offten to make sure he doesnt go into attack stage 3, 4, and 5, drag it out as long as possible!
Defence at Stage 3 and 4# IRL# think either left, right, up, or down it is random which works and if you choose wrong say goodbye! In Game# An arrow will appear on screen for a quarter of a second, press that arrow key and once Uzengwey reaches your face he will freeze in midair and slowly fade away
-=-=-=-=-=How Uzengwey Kills=-=-=-=-=-
Once he falls on you, you are doomed, he will proceed to scoop out your face using his claws, and save your eyes for last, once he is done he will rip off your arms and legs, after that he rips out your heart and crushes it, he will then leave now satisfied with his urge to kill and will leave, the curse will be over how ever so will your life. When you die to Uzengwey your last words will be: I see sunlight...
Authers Note: Greetings! I posted this 3 days early! huray for boredom! I hope you have nightmares about this, unless you didnt want nightmares from this, in that case I wish you luck, the question is what do you want to know next?
1# How Boan Attacks and Kills
2# How AngEngIng Attacks and kills
3# How Shadow Man Attacks and Kills
4# How Burdie Attacks and Kills
or 5# How Dangalang Attacks and Kills?
Your Choice!
and remember! BEWARE OF THE LIGHT!