Uzengwey Chapter 4: How Sawgwendow looks, and attacks.

Uzengwey Chapter 4: How Sawgwendow looks, and attacks.
Post by: MNM1O1 - August 16th, 2015, 5:23:42 pm

-=-=-=-=-=What Sawgwendow looks like=-=-=-=-=-

Sawgwendow is a very sandy rotted corpse (Looks alot like a redead from the Legend of Zelda) its texture is sand colored aswell, he has bandages covering random parts of his body, his dark pits for eyes up close have a very small red dot at the end (his pupil).

-=-=-=-=-=How Sawgwendow Attacks=-=-=-=-=-

He hides in the sand, if you happen to walk past him he will grab your leg and begin to arise from the sand using your body to climb out.

Stage 1: He grabs you leg
Stage 2: He begins to climb out of sand
Stage 3: Is right up face to face with you making a horrible inhaling noise
Stage 4: Is now wailing at you and shaking you

Defence: Kick and punch him until you can get him off

Your probably wondering what makes him dangrous right? Well its the fact that when he has you, any or the others are free to attack, Sawgwendow is annoying to deal with if you are trying to live.

-=-=-=-=-=Authors Note=-=-=-=-=-

Sorry for the wait but here it is, Sawgwendow was interesting to write, not as much of a threat as the rest, but still a threat.

1: Boan
2: AngEngIng
3: Burdie
4: Painting
5: Clouds Shadow

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