
Post by: Epiphxnee - December 3rd, 2016, 12:27:36 am

So guys, after some "interesting" experiences I have started to question is what I do truly worth my time? Especially after today, this happened literally about 15 from about the time I am writing this (3:23 pm Central US time), I was in gym class and one of the kids had a seizure and hit is head on a bench corner. He was bleeding really bad, and we don't know if he's going to live from #1 the fall ( 10 ft. from a trampoline onto solid concrete), #2 the blood loss from the cut, and #3 the amount of brain trauma from his fall and seizure. After much consideration, I may just take a break from school and spend more time on minecraft. I have no idea why I decided to write this, but uhm, yeah, so hope to see you guys online more often.

Post by: MNM1O1 - December 21st, 2016, 9:20:16 am

Sometimes life throws traumatic and disturbing things your way, sometimes people around you end up hurt, sometimes you end up hurt, these things are bound to happen, but don't let that stop you from doing what you love .P. (unless you love to rape or slaughter or something... XD)

Did the kid end up alright?

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