Re: Love *does bird thing that Dez from Austin and Ally does and fails miserably*
Post by: Livetabon - September 18th, 2015, 9:08:03 am
Im not too good with this "love thing." But Ill tell ya a few things I picked up.
Sure Ive been in a few relationships, but up until now I never really cared about love or really thought about it.
Like sure There were certain boys I prefered the attention over another and perhaps I acted different over them.
But I realized in the end I just moved on to someone else when I got bored.
I never pursued someone or innocently just wanted to be around someone alone, I had no plans of living with a lover, but more so a friend for costs. I never thought of having a family because the idea of having kids really scare me, because creating life like that is painful. (You all will learn about it in health classes I am sure.)
Most of all my boyfriends were one sided, the boy would as me out and I would politely say yes, more or less because I was a nice person and I didnt want to turn someone down just like that. I always wanted to give someone a chance.
Of course I now know that can hurt them more in the long run, my feelings would never match theirs and if they became very serious about me, Id have to turn them down.
I only had one serious relationship outside the one I am in now, and he was a wonderful good hearted guy. He was just very.... Boring. I mean he gave me gifts I didnt really care for (too expensive an stuff I wouldnt use) and he would talk about stuff I didnt like.
i ended up breaking up with him over one thing: I was not attracted to him at all, I disnt want to be intimate with this guy. (You will learn in further details later on in health.) being intimate with someone is what you do in a relationship and if you hate it with the someone you are supposed to be dating that isnt healthy.
After a long time I met someone we all know, Ender and to be honest. I am a fool for this boy.
I met him online and Ive been trying to keep his attention ever since. All the ideas posted above like family, kids, living together. With Ender it seems like something I might do in the future now. I want to be intimate and tell him all my personal secrets. Being in love is like opening up your chest and giving the guy a knife. Because you are so vunerable, if the person doesnt reciprocate your feelings and stabs you it hurts a lot. I am constantly scared about Ender not feeling the same way, I get nervous when he hangs out with other girls closer to him for I am far away and perhaps he will end up feeling the same that I did with all those other boys.
Love isnt just a feeling, its a want, a want that you want to spend the rest of your tiring and dreary boring life with someone else. Someone who is not your family, but your friend, your better half, your lover. Its this someone who can literally control you with a simple question or statement because you would give anything to make them happier than you.
Love is scary and its hiding behind several other feelings and emotions you will mistake for love. If you dont feel right in a relationship, stop! Youre all young and you will all find someone someday. But for now lets all play mc, we are all kids just having fun on this server.