Dis iz mah nuu yeer gies!!1!

Dis iz mah nuu yeer gies!!1!
Post by: MNM1O1 - January 1st, 2017, 4:08:09 pm

Hoi peepl, so dar ey wuz at 2 en da mornin wotshing Naruto shipden.
den sudenli ey wuz halpin sum1 with dar depreshun and cheerd dem up.
yaaaayyyyyy aplawds :lol:

Butt den ey fownd ut et wuz 5 en da mornin, ey tryd 2 sleep butt my body refusd! So ey havnt had eny sleep tonite butt ey havnt notisd enything rong yet. Am ey actin eny difrnt?

(Edit: You must read this in derp to understand.)

Dis iz mah nuu yeer gies!!1!
Post by: EmsMyEms - January 1st, 2017, 5:42:17 pm

I seriously can't understand a word of that.

Re:Dis iz mah nuu yeer gies!!1!
Post by: androosu - January 1st, 2017, 11:20:03 pm

ie undystaand abbsolutelyley erying i wez up two 5 ine teh mernieng bc meh citten

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