Sorry I haven't been on and new username

Sorry I haven't been on and new username
Post by: Ch1nchilla015 - November 5th, 2015, 4:16:36 pm

Hello guys, sorry I havent been on recently or if I have I have had to leave quickly. The last few days my pet Chinchilla Doug has been really sick, and hasnt eaten or drunk anything which was a huge stress. Also, I have started to learn my GCSEs which means I have so much homework and extra revision I have to do. Things have been so crazy at the moment, I just havent had the time and unfortunately it will probably get worse. Next year when I have the actual exams, I probably wont be on for a month, but thats next year so Im trying to make the most of the time I have. :(

Also, I think that the forums updated my minecraft username which I didnt know it did, but its me BillyTedLolly. I changed it because why not. :P
Hope you all have a great day,

BillyTedLolly/Ch1nchilla_L0ver ;)

Re: Sorry I haven't been on and new username
Post by: GuttedMuse - November 5th, 2015, 5:59:25 pm

Well, sorry to hear that and I hope your chinchilla gets better :)

Re: Sorry I haven't been on and new username
Post by: Ch1nchilla015 - November 6th, 2015, 10:04:12 am

[quote author=Vanessamarie8 link=topic=5037.msg26910#msg26910 date=1446764365]
Well, sorry to hear that and I hope your chinchilla gets better :)

Thanks! <3 :)

Re: Sorry I haven't been on and new username
Post by: GuttedMuse - November 6th, 2015, 1:37:46 pm

No problem, I know how hard it can be with a sick pet.

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