Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions

Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: JuanDong - January 7th, 2016, 10:25:07 pm

I highly doubt anyone is going to care that Im leaving and the post.
The reasoning behind this is that I was chatting to ActualSpace on steam about CB the more I talked about the more I realized that CB is going downhill.

Anyways here are a few reasons why Im quiting

1. Our community is fucked, we have 10 yr olds getting pissed off, all over a game.
What are we? 35 year old men living at our moms basement eating Cheetos and asking our mom for hot pockets? No just get a life honestly and I understand I a total douche in factions for killing people and acting like a 35 year old but at least I dont fucking scream at my computer and beat the living porkchop out of it then kill my self. Another reason is that the drama is unreal, people are leaving because of this, on avg. our server gets about 20-30 players daily and no its not school. I really hate to see the server not even hitting 100 players like it used to, that was nearly a year ago.

2. Siggi doesnt give a flying porkchop about us, he seriously only gets on 5 minutes a year and rarely communicate with us. He only really cares about money, if you donate hes happy, but hes pretty much laughing at you thinking youre a total dumbo, he doesnt even try to help the community either, another thing is that he doesnt even accepts staff applications that often.

Ive lost hope for CB now and Im most likely gonna get banned but, before I do Im going to give away my items. Siggi, you might as well as name the server DramaBuilders. I missed the memories I had with CB, it was fun and it was my favorite server for a long time.

Anyways that was my opinion on the server right now, I hope one day the server will change. Or die out :p if I get banned Im banned I wont care at all now.
I would like to congratulate/thank the newly promoted staff/older staff and deal with such a crap server owner.

Re: Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: Solurnis - January 8th, 2016, 1:10:22 am

Well my friend, we had a long run. It was fun playing with you ;) but that has to end sometime. Ill miss you :( but hopefully we stay contacted. Other then that I guess its goodbye.

P.S. Ill take your stuff on facs

Re: Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: EmsMyEms - January 8th, 2016, 7:05:59 am

Yeah, CubeBuilders basically sucks now.

Re: Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: paintcr - January 8th, 2016, 7:58:13 am

I agree with most stuff, Juan, but CB needs you. We can get it back up and running. We just need a little boost. If I still dont change your mind, then Im sorry. Ill miss you.


Re: Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: DaDkPlayer - January 8th, 2016, 9:22:05 am


Re: Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: SkyrunPvP - January 8th, 2016, 11:39:48 am

Cubebuilders used to be better :/

Re: Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: KermitsBigToe - January 8th, 2016, 12:24:06 pm

Well yeah it has changed a lot you could say... :/ ;p
Ill miss ya you silly sausage. ( ps wilbur will miss ya too heh )

Re: Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: WhovianBunny - January 8th, 2016, 5:22:44 pm

See ya Buddy and i could talk to you and actual on steam too!!! Ill email you my Username but i agree
I remember 2 years ago when I first came on this server when everyone was all cool and had nice cokes to give them chills if they got mad but now theyre three year olds screaming at being killed on factions or being denied on creative like srsly do they have no more coke?! did they run out?! Well I remember those old days with sorrow but i know that those days still might not come back. I miss the old days with Lunar_Fox and RSB05 when we did roleplays together now theyre not on. I remember joking around with other friend who now might be gone. Now i got friends who yell at me if i dont join their roleplay and it really is annoying. So If this gets any worse JuanDong Im telling you i may be on the same boat as you. I just hope that theres still hope for the old days coming back. Now everyone gets Angry and Smashes theyre computer and cries if they die or get denied on creative. In creative im kinda in the corner where not a lot of people are in where we were on this server first. So Bye old friend and i hope we could chat on steam with actual the three of us. Its been fun but now this server has gotten Worse.

Re: Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: WhovianBunny - January 8th, 2016, 6:15:50 pm

This Server has been going down hill since Lunar_fox and Rsb05 left then other friends of mine left and thats when the "Rage Age" Came when screaming three year olds came to make this server bad. Im just saying If we can get this server back then i would be a happier man. I wish those Rage heads would leave and play on Mine Plex and rage there perhaps because that server is huge this isnt really its gotten alot less players then it used to. my wish for the well would be to BRING THE SERVER BACK TO IT"S OLD JOLLY, AND HUMBLE SELF!!!! I miss it so much and if it did then thank god for the server.

Re: Leaving CB | Stuff about CB | Giving my items away on factions
Post by: BradmasterX - January 8th, 2016, 7:07:00 pm

Luna is still here broseph. Shes Lunalapis or something

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