Dear People who think leaving adds to the "Drama"

Dear People who think leaving adds to the "Drama"
Post by: WhovianBunny - January 12th, 2016, 6:57:14 pm

Now Ive been looking at both sides of this nonsense. People are saying that leaving and telling people adds to the "drama" and it doesnt really add to anything only to the fact that people just want those other people that get mad over what ever things that they shouldnt be complaining about and i completely understand that!!! I know that people just want everyone to be Kind and Friendly not Raging that you lost in a PVP battle or insulting others heck thats even a rule!!! And Those people are leaving because they remembered when the server was calm and chill before the people came in and started getting mad for little things when they should probably be mad or sad if something In Real Life happens that emotionally Hits them hard. Like Last November My Grand Father Passed away!!! that got me really sad!!! And when i got mad was when *also sad* is when my best friend moved not losing two pieces of iron in factions. So in conclusion these people are tired of other people over reacting to things they shouldnt be mad or sad at!! Those people should be sad at if a relative passes away I mean that can hit you hard and make you really depressed!! So if your saying this adds to the drama it actually kinda does because "Oh no a "GUY" is leaving!!!" But they are annoyed of the overreaction thats been going on the server but anyway IF you say this is also annoying or adds to the drama well think what if you got really annoyed to death about over reacting people!! if you got really annoyed like these people you would probably leave too!! so Think before you say this stuff

Re: Dear People who think leaving adds to the "Drama"
Post by: BradmasterX - January 12th, 2016, 11:24:35 pm

-3-, bruh, your feeding the flames of hate, dont post stuff like this or it will make it worse. Well me saying this is making it worse too, but you too so please lock the topic, and people, everyone, stop making big deals about the arguments and junk

Re: Dear People who think leaving adds to the "Drama"
Post by: BradmasterX - January 12th, 2016, 11:32:45 pm

And I also see this was pointed at me.... And you bring your emotions into the game it seems like, its a game. But I cant really see your point. Anyway, when you made this topic and say "people" this is pointed at me, I was the only person that said that, and I dont understand your point why "I was in the wrong". What did I do?!? I just made a little comment.

Anyway, another factor that leads to the drama is total "tattle tails" and "snitches" thinking their "cool" and "in the right" which really everyone is annoyed by them. Okie Im Bye, good night.

Re: Dear People who think leaving adds to the "Drama"
Post by: DaDkPlayer - January 13th, 2016, 12:13:10 pm

Ppl stop making topics about leaving and all i mean your ruin Cubebuilders with all this Bulls%ยค# about leaving and quitting tell your friends in mail or send a message that youre leaving and thats it i mean most only do it to get attention! :-\

Re: Dear People who think leaving adds to the "Drama"
Post by: WhovianBunny - January 13th, 2016, 2:58:14 pm

I just really wish that the server could be chill instead of rageful

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