The feels.

The feels.
Post by: slimestein - February 22nd, 2016, 4:02:27 pm

This might sound like a weird question but im wondering if you ever read/watched (a manga,tv series, comic book, anime, movie or whatever you get what i mean) something that made you feel more than normal movies do. Have you ever cried like a fool is my question in simple :) And in that case whilst watching/reading what?

No spoilers please

Re: The feels.
Post by: primadxnna - February 22nd, 2016, 5:54:07 pm

Have you even seen Clannad and Clannad after story?

Re: The feels.
Post by: WhovianBunny - February 22nd, 2016, 7:58:00 pm

Yes in Doctor Who when the Tenth Doctor was going to regenerate is last words "I dont wanna go!!!" makes it so darn sad and i cried like a fanboy same with Elevens regeneration he had a big speech "I will always remember when the doctor was me, I wont forget, not one day." OMG both made me cry so hard

Re: The feels.
Post by: spookytables - February 22nd, 2016, 8:11:56 pm

[quote author=TheTenthWhovian link=topic=5486.msg29192#msg29192 date=1456189080]
Yes in Doctor Who when the Tenth Doctor was going to regenerate is last words "I dont wanna go!!!" makes it so darn sad and i cried like a fanboy same with Elevens regeneration he had a big speech "I will always remember when the doctor was me, I wont forget, not one day." OMG both made me cry so hard
[/quote] *Sobing In The Corner* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (I Cried Really Hard)

Re: The feels.
Post by: WhovianBunny - February 22nd, 2016, 8:12:48 pm

I DID TOO!!! D::::::I

Re: The feels.
Post by: Kereo - February 22nd, 2016, 10:57:15 pm

Gravity falls XD

Re: The feels.
Post by: KermitsBigToe - February 23rd, 2016, 3:09:01 pm

Oh yeah doctor who makes me cry sometimes, never thought Id say that. I was scared of a show - I think it was spongebob, when I was younger, cried at that yeah. Lets see, also the last song, although Ive watched it at least six times, I still cry.
The major feels though? The Harry Potter books/movies - especially Deathly Hallows, never cried so much at a movie/book my gosh.

Re: The feels.
Post by: GuttedMuse - February 23rd, 2016, 3:32:52 pm

I have watched The Walking Dead and this season is so intense already. ;-;

Re: The feels.
Post by: slimestein - February 23rd, 2016, 4:10:51 pm

[quote author=SovietPickle link=topic=5486.msg29200#msg29200 date=1456258141]
The major feels though? The Harry Potter books/movies - especially Deathly Hallows, never cried so much at a movie/book my gosh.

Agreed, feels on that one, although i havent read the book. I was gonna read the books, I bought all the books (i usually get from library but stupid me not this time) then my backpack got stolen on a trip so i ended up not reading them. But im planning on reading them someday.

The place I cried the most though was one piece, 800 episodes 20 minutes long but its more than worth it :)
When its that long you really get to know the charachters and start feeling wth them:)

Re: The feels.
Post by: primadxnna - February 23rd, 2016, 8:05:06 pm

[quote author=Luna link=topic=5486.msg29190#msg29190 date=1456181647]
Have you even seen Clannad and Clannad after story?

What happened it was about a nice man and his sickly wife who dies from childbirth (their daughter was SOOOOO ADORABLE) One day on a road trip in the winter, the man and his daughter were walking and she says "Daddy?" "Yes?" "I love you daddy." "Daddy loves you too" he gives her a hug and she dies in her arms ;----; (she had the same disease that killed her mom) WHOS GONNA CRY WITH MEH?!

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